We recently finished a four week series at Mosaic called “Only Jesus”. In the early planning stages, it was a catch all for a few different things we wanted to unpack with our church. But then it morphed into an incredibly succinct look at what our church is all about. As the communications team joined together with the teaching team to hear from our Lead Pastor on his heart for the series and discuss the felt needs of a congregation whose collective head was spinning from rapid growth, we began to brainstorm on the story that threaded it all together. Pretty soon, a concept emerged and then unexpectedly, the worship pastor and his team had a stroke of inspiration and began writing a song to go with the series. A poet wrote a spoken word piece encapsulating the whole thing to close it all out. Suddenly, this little series had grown into something that had to have a longer shelf life than just these four weeks. So our new communications director created a microsite (a small website with a very specific focus) to house the sermons, the new worship song and the spoken word piece. It looks great and feels really right for the season our church is in. Check it out at www.onlyjesusseries.com and feel free to steal it all for your church. We even included the chord charts so you can do this new song if you like it.