From time to time, I am asked for examples of my teaching or communication style. Here are couple of examples.
Belief Within Community – A sermon on three categories of belief.

Expectancy – A reflective sermon at the outset of a new year.

From time to time, I am asked for examples of my teaching or communication style. Here are couple of examples.
Belief Within Community – A sermon on three categories of belief.
Expectancy – A reflective sermon at the outset of a new year.
We have some pretty talented story tellers at Mosaic in the area of video. Recently, we tasked them with creating some new videos to use in our Chapter One Class (for new people at Mosaic). It involved a lot of filming over multiple weeks in an effort to catch multiple staff and congregants. As such, it made sense for them to build a little film set that we could use for this and other projects down the road.
Our Student Ministry just did a big Fall Kick Off Event. All the new students that just became old enough were invited and because we’ve grown a lot this year, we had even more students show up for the first time. The team pulled off a high energy event that they called “Glow Night”. Anything that could glow, was glowing that night. Even the band. I walked in to drop off my girls and encourage the team and I was blown away by what they had pulled off with honestly not a very big budget. As I saw all the kids having an absolute blast, I thought “Oh shoot, I wish the video team was here tonight capturing this”. No sooner did that thought cross my mind did I see one of our video team out in the middle of the crowd getting some great shots. Check out this recap video they made of the event. We shared it on social media and people loved it. Videos like this help parents know that Student Ministry is pretty awesome at Mosaic. Don’t spend a ton of time creating an awesome event and then forget to capture photos or video of it for future or current use. Even if it’s all volunteer based, do something with that stuff.
Our church just jumped into the book of Acts again after a little break. Our creative types put together a cool video to use as an intro. I share it here for you to get ideas for your church.
Like many churches, the summer is full with things like VBS, Student Ministry Camp, etc. We decided to celebrate those events with a little video that we showed in the announcement space of our gatherings. It’s just a short punchy video re-cap of our kids events. Doing things like this and showing them in church can help your whole church get on board with the mission. It let’s people in one demographic see what is going on for people in other demographics in the church. Things like this really help build a sense of community and family in a church full of different ages. Enjoy the Video!
Though other means of communication have evolved, email continues to maintain its traction. And one of the ways as a leader that my email gets utilized is for subscriptions. If I am going to lead well, I have to be reading other’s thoughts.
But not all content subscribed to is worth my while. There are those that I want, like an engaging leadership blog, but there are those that I dislike, like the ones for major discounts on monogrammed coffee mugs. Free cat poster included.
(Sigh) Again? Ok, who signed me up for that?
It’s a noisy world, isn’t it?
And I do not mean the noise that occurs from that which we call progress: transportation, production, and commerce.
No, I am referring to the noise of all the words we hear everyday. As I wait for flights at an airport, there is always this low murmur of hundreds of voices all mingling at once. And not one discernible conversation among all of the voices around me.
Have you ever been on Facebook or Instagram and noticed someone from your team posting things that made you cringe? I know I have. A couple times, I’ve even taken a screen shot and sent it to the staff person asking if they might want to reconsider this particular post? The simple reality is that
So how many of you identify with this scenario?
I hear about a situation second or third-hand and in listening to the information, my judgement begins to be swayed and I have already made my verdict and issued a decree of “Guilty!” And this is the mindset in which I approach the other person.
English and Spanish versions available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle E-book.
Phil Taylor
My name is Phil. I spent 20 years pastoring (mostly executive pastoring) and now I serve churches all over through consulting on buildings and brands at Plain Joe Studios and coaching Executive Pastors. My wife and I have three kids and one grandchild. I’m into running and kayaking.