What does it look like to pastor people who share your passions?
One of my absolute favorite events every fall is when the giant IAAPA conference happens in Orlando. This is literally the biggest event of the year for anyone involved in designing, building, or servicing theme parks, themed entertainment, or any sort of themed attractions. Think everything from Disney World on down to your local Pirate’s Cove mini-golf or family entertainment center. It’s really kind of staggering just how massive this conference is. For almost a decade now, I’ve functioned in a sort of chaplain role for a prayer breakfast that brings together Christ-Followers and a few seekers for breakfast, some networking, and a guest speaker. (This year, we had Joe Pine, author of “The Experience Economy”).

My first year serving this group of creatives and executives involved about a dozen of us in a little conference room at the Orange Country Convention Center. This past year, we had nearly 300 people present. It’s been so fun to see this event become an encouragement to so many.
I heard someone say once to “Pastor your city and your city will become your church”. Our city here in Orlando is all about the theme park industry. So, pastoring this group of people has been a high calling and honor. I also happen to be a huge theme park nerd. So, getting to hang out with a lot of the people responsible for making the magic happen is kind of a dream come true.
Also, a few years ago I shifted from working directly at a church as a pastor, to working with churches all over the country in helping them tell their story through buildings and brands. Most people in the church world know the company I work for under the name- PlainJoe Studios. But actually, PlainJoe is under the larger umbrella of Storyland Studios which happens to be a big name in the theme entertainment industry. So, in a weird convergence of work and fun, I now find myself working for a company that designs churches . . . and theme parks. You would’nt think those two things would go together, but actually, when you realize that it’s all about good storytelling, it makes perfect sense. While PlainJoe almost exclusively focuses on churches, non-profits and Christian Schools, Storyland works with some of the biggest names in themed entertainment. But here’s the cool little secret-once you get through either of our front doors (PlainJoe or Storyland), it’s the same team. Which means you’ve got some really amazing talent designing a theme park one day, and a church the next day.
I generally keep to the PlainJoe side of the business since I have more experience working with pastors and churches. But since I live in Orlando, I jump in and help with the Storyland experience on the floor of IAAPA. And I continue to serve in a pastor/chaplain type role for the annual Themed Entertainment and Attractions Prayer Network event.
I want to encourage any pastors reading this to find ways to pastor the people who are passionate about the things you are passionate about. Are you into Disc Golf, or Harley’s, or pickleball, or crossfit, or video games, or bourbon tasting? Don’t just play with these people, flex those pastoral muscles when appropriate. Look for opportunities to be a normal person who happens to be a pastor, and you will find that when those people you have fun with need a pastor, they will turn to you because you are already in their lives.
And if you ever find yourself in Orlando in the third week of November, you are welcome to come see what we are up to at this annual prayer breakfast that has grown from a few dozen to a few hundred.