When I first became an Executive Pastor way back in 2005, one of the first resources I came across was David Fletcher’s website xpastor.org David’s annual XP Seminar is still the only significant XP conference that I’m aware of anywhere (please email me if I’m wrong!) I’ve spoken at the seminar several times since then. Just recently, David had me on his weekly show for a fast-paced interview and Q&A session with anyone who wanted to join in. As always, David is a fun guy to talk with and I had a great time sharing with him about the update to “Defining The Executive Pastor Role”. You can watch the interview here. Or subscribe to the podcast and find the audio that way.

Written by Phil Taylor
My name is Phil. I spent 20 years as an Executive Pastor and now I serve churches all over through consulting and coaching. I wrote "Defining The Executive Pastor Role" and "Eldership Development-From Application to Affirmation". My greatest passion is helping others bring vision into reality. I've been married for 25 years, and we have three kids and one grandchild.