At Mosaic, we take caring for Orphans seriously. Check out this video we used recently about one families journey.
At Mosaic, we take caring for Orphans seriously. Check out this video we used recently about one families journey.
I’m all about getting resources that one church leader creates into the hands of other church leaders. Recently, Gabe Forsyth (Mosaic’s Missions Pastor) created a Leader’s Guide for new Missional Community Group Leaders to use with the new group that they just started. It’s meant to be used for the first 12 weeks to lay a foundation of shared vision, values, and identity. And we want to give it to your for free. Enjoy!
Serve the City is all about connecting you to the leaders and organizations in our city who are doing great work to bring justice and mercy to those in need. Come and be inspired and equipped at the first conference ever at the Mosaic Winter Garden Campus on January 26th & 27th! We hope to to see you there! SIGN ME UP!
Mosaic Church just opened it’s new Winter Garden facility. It was a crazy day with nearly 4,000 in attendance (blowing away our usual 2500). I asked one of our story team to capture the day for me and put together a quick video. Here is that video. We posted it quickly on Facebook, etc. within a day of opening so that people could celebrate with us online. Enjoy!
A few days ago, Mosaic Church opened it’s new Winter Garden Campus. This time lapse video of the construction served as a countdown video to start the service. It was also a part of a larger vision for what the whole weekend would feel like. As you watch it, imagine it on a 10×30 LED wall. It was pretty awesome.
Yesterday, Mosaic Church opened it’s new building with nearly 4,000 in attendance. We’ve been working on it for more than a year. And in some ways, we’ve been working on this video for just as long. We created this video to share the story of the construction and the key people involved in it’s creation. And we used it on our opening Sunday. Enjoy!
Ok, I know, it’s just a building. But a lot of lives were changed there. People met spouses, dedicated children, got baptized, got saved, etc. While it may be just brick and mortar, these spaces take on an important role in our lives. So when we have to say goodbye to one building and move to another, even if that change is due to growth, it’s important to take a minute to acknowledge all that happened in that old space. This video is an example of that effort. We used this video on our last Sunday in the old building.
This year, my life has been all about the new building. And as often happens, we hit a snag. Rather than have it be a downer, we decided to make it a fun announcement that the opening date was delayed. We created a time lapse video and had some fun showing the slowdown. Watch it to see what I mean.
You’ll notice that most of my posts this year have been about the new building that our church is constructing. I have not had much time for anything else. Once our building was relatively safe, and all the asbestos glue and green mold had been removed, we began offering tours every few months. The first one was when the building was just a big empty shell. The goal was
Do you like to watch the special features from your favorite movies? I know I do. As Mosaic Church continues onward towards completion of it’s new building, we thought it would be fun to do a super indepth video tour of the building for those who want the details. I also selfishly wanted to capture this moment in my life without a ton of editing. So rather than the highly produced videos we typically do, this one was low budget, and one take. At 45 minutes, it’s long, but if you like this sort of thing, you’ll love it.
Have you heard about the new app that is just killing it? It’s called Sarahah and it has quickly risen to the new #1 app in the Apple App Store.
It’s marketing push is simple: “Get honest feedback from your coworkers and friends.”
Change. Not a word we always like to speak about as leaders. Personal change is never easy, especially when it involves my own character. And there just seems to be an increased level of difficulty when it involves change of those around me with whom I have influence or responsibility. Like jumping into the unknown. So how do I help others authentically change?
I consider one of my roles as a leader to help shape those in my sphere of influence. Leading is not just about projects. It is more importantly about people.
Today we are on my final post of my “everyday carry” (or EDC) for leadership. It has been extremely helpful for me to think through those essentials that help me to be a strong leader and maximize my influence with others.
I love to run. For me, it is exercise, solitude, soul care, prayer time, thinking time, learning time, me time, all rolled into an hour or so, three times a week. Like many runners, I’m also incredibly goal oriented, so I sign up for half marathons several times a year. And I have a long term goal of running a half in all 50 states. I like to say that I don’t pay gym fees, I pay race fees. (Are runners goal oriented or are goal oriented people drawn to running?) Recently, I found myself in a race hole. One race ended without another one on the books anytime soon. Through it, I learned some important lessons about having ongoing maintenance goals as well as big deadline goals and it’s having an impact on my pastoral work life as well.
Have you ever considered those items that are foundational to your being an engaging leader? You need to. Because no one ever drifts into healthy leadership practices. What are your “go to’s”?
In past posts, we have looked at some of the essentials of what I “carry with me” in order to have a vibrancy and robustness in interacting with people and projects: indispensable reads, personal character traits, and apps that I use that are getting it done for me.
A good friend of mine is looking for an Executive Pastor to work with him at his church in Portland, Maine. This is a great opportunity to live in an awesome city that desperately needs the gospel and work with a great Acts 29 Network church. Check out description below and reach out to Angel Silva with more questions.
English and Spanish versions available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle E-book.
Phil Taylor
My name is Phil. I spent 20 years pastoring (mostly executive pastoring) and now I serve churches all over through consulting on buildings and brands at Plain Joe Studios and coaching Executive Pastors. My wife and I have three kids and one grandchild. I’m into running and kayaking.